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24 November 12, 04:22
Guillen+ - Eclipse (2012)
Artist: Guillen
Album: Eclipse
Year: 2012
Style: Experimental / Progressive Black Metal
Country: США
01. Prelude 01:25
02. Paranoia 03:24
03. Smoke Rising 01:09
04. Senses 05:41
05. Transitus 01:02
06. Mechanical Soul Conversion 05:21
07. Revolution Of Zombies 04:07
08. Desolation 02:53
09. Transcending Existance 04:35
19 November 12, 05:14
Gaktungar - +Gisturgh+ (2012)
Artist: Gaktungar
Album: Gisturgh
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Россия
1. Asphyxia Ritual 6:32
2. Lycanthropic 3:51
3. Antimenschliches Eingreifen 6:54
4. Shakuna Viman 4:52
5. Fakerma Spell 2:00
6. Ahasverus 5:37
7. Prometheus 4:29
8. Inno A Satana (Emperor cover) 4:25
9. The End of All Things 4:08
16 November 12, 07:16
Aghone+ - +A+Tous+Les+Soldats+Inconnus+ (2012)
Artist: Aghone
Album: A Tous Les Soldats Inconnus
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Франция
01. Kombat 06:29
02. Patrie, Réveille-toi 10:55
03. Militat Omnis Amans 10:55
04. A tous les Soldats Inconnus 08:58
05. Mourir pour la Patrie 10:47
06. Aghonie 07:10
07. …Tout est consommé 03:48
16 November 12, 05:48
ForestMuse - The+Land+Of+Tall+Trees+ (2012)
Artist: ForestMuse
Album: The Land Of Tall Trees
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal, Ambient
Country: США
01. Intro 02:49
02. The End Of The Ohlone 05:48
03. Old Ways 04:38
04. The Smell Of Night Air 02:23
05. Schlacht Im Teutoberger Weld 03:26
06. Nachtmenschen 05:15
07. View Overlooking The Ancestrial Forest 04:14
08. Night Before The Slaughter 03:55
09. The Crimson Light 07:06
10. Leid Van De Mist 14:38
11. Outro 02:58
16 November 12, 04:04
Heimdalls+Wacht - Ekte+Westf%C3%A4%C3%B6lske+Svatte+Metal+ (2012)
Artist: Heimdalls Wacht
Album: Ekte Westfäölske Svatte Metal
Year: 2012
Style: Pagan Black Metal
Country: Германия
01. Seelenkrieg 01:08
02. Ekte Westfäölske Svatte Metal 04:18
03. Unsiälige Kiär 06:01
04. Ich Bin Der Widersacher 06:25
05. Geheimbund 04:51
06. Der Verschüttete Grubenmann 03:45
07. Tiwaz – Entflammt 04:50
08. Die Formulierung Des Unformulierten 01:40
09. Das Martyrium 04:59
10. Ein Ächzen Im Verlassenen Stollen 06:40
11. Exil 05:05
12. Alles Ist Grau 09:10
13. Hidden Track 01:51
14. Hidden Track 02:57
14 November 12, 06:09
Nagaarum - Oort (2012)
Artist: Nagaarum
Album: Oort
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal, Doom Metal, Ambient
Country: Венгрия
1. 50-100 (60-120?) 11:37
2. Fagyott állandóság 10:44
3. Vaksötét Pontok 05:35
4. Szilárd Köd 08:00
5. Gyújtópont és Idő 06:11
14 November 12, 04:17
Narath+ - +Liebeshunger (2012)
Artist: Narath
Album: Liebeshunger
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Россия
Part I – The Verses Of Lust
01. Chaos 241
02. Liebeshunger
03. Libido
04. Smiling In The Dark
05. The Glacial Silence
06. Mes Condoleances
Part II – In The Corners Of Deadman’s Eyes
07. The Prayer
08. Vagary
09. The Final Flight
10. The Universal Process
11. In Boredom
12. Mortido
13. The Words That Hurts
14. Outerspace 22
Bonus Tracks:
15. Untitled
16. Crucified (Army Of Lovers Cover)
13 November 12, 04:24
+++The+Secret+ - Agnus+Dei (2012)
Artist: The Secret
Album: Agnus Dei
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal, Hardcore
Country: Италия
1. Agnus Dei 02:59
2. May God Damn All of Us 01:19
3. Violent Infection 01:04
4. Geometric Power 02:42
5. Post Mortem Nihil Est 02:35
6. Daily Lies 00:55
7. Love Your Enemy 02:28
8. Vermin of Dust 03:44
9. Darkness I Became 03:32
10. Heretic Temple 05:13
11. The Bottomless Pit 01:48
12. Obscure Dogma 01:36
13. Seven Billion Graves 13:33
12 November 12, 03:13
++Atoll+Nerat - %D0%9F%D1%83%D1%82%D0%B5%D1%88%D0%B5%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B2%D0%B8%D1%8F+B+O%D1%82%D0%B4%D0%B5%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D1%8B%D0%B5+P%D0%B5%D0%B0%D0%BB%D1%8C%D0%BD%D0%BE%D1%81%D1%82%D0%B8 (2012)
Artist: Atoll Nerat
Album: Путешествия B Oтдельные Pеальности
Year: 2012
Style: Dark / Symphonic Black Metal
Country: Россия
01. Жизнь (Часть 1) 05:01
02. Ведьма (Часть 4) 06:47
03. Путник 07:11
04. Всадник 06:27
05. Весна 08:31
06. Жизнь (Часть 2) 06:59
07. Небо 06:54
08. Булонский Лес 05:14
11 November 12, 05:14
Timor+Et+Tremor+ - Upon+Bleak+Grey+Fields (2012)
Artist: Timor Et Tremor
Album: Upon Bleak Grey Fields
Year: 2012
Style: Pagan Black Metal
Country: Германия
1. Of Fame and Doom 02:03
2. Solstice 04:59
3. Eternal Woe 07:08
4. Nights Radiance 06:22
5. Shores of Light 06:18
6. Helrunar 05:00
7. Funeral Dawn 05:07
8. Northern Lights (Re-Recording) 06:31
10 November 12, 05:20
Sorg+Uten+T%C3%A5rer - +Somnolent+Melancholy+ (2012)
Artist: Sorg Uten Tårer
Album: Somnolent Melancholy
Year: 2012
Style: Folk Metal, Melodic Black Metal
Country: Турция
1. Unsterbliche Geliebte 03:08
2. A Dream Of Shadows 06:13
3. The Cats 04:43
4. Alone 05:20
5. A Lament For Yester Days 04:53
6. Song Of The Dead 04:34
7. Nostalgia 04:13
8. Always 06:44
9. Brothers Urza And Mishra 03:19
10. Rise 08:09
11. R. Daneel Oliwav 03:43
12. A Dream Within A Dream 06:28
9 November 12, 10:54
Sturmfront - Location%3A666 (2012)
Artist: Sturmfront
Album: Location:666
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Финляндия
01. Into The Dust….
02. Humanity To Ashes, World To Dust
03. Chains Of Mental Slavery
04. A Secular Human Genocide
05. Upon The Northic Winds
06. Asphyxia Of A Educationally Subnormal Human Rat
07. In Gloria Satani Patris
08. Location:666
5 November 12, 16:14
++Prognan - Jama+%5BEP%5D (2012)
Artist: Prognan
Album: Jama [EP]
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Хорватия
1. Dzelat
2. Jama
3. Grob
4. Za Korak Paklu Bliže (The Stone cover)
4 November 12, 16:49
++Bastard+Sapling - Dragged+From+Our+Restless+Trance (2012)
Artist: Bastard Sapling
Album: Dragged From Our Restless Trance
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: США
01. Prophecy Born From Dismal Terrain 05:08
02. Cold Winds Howled Across The Desolation 12:32
03. The Apex Of Suffering 08:16
04. Beyond The Void Of Life 13:42
2 November 12, 11:51
Sentimen+Beltza - Zulo+Beltz+Eta+Sakon+Honetan+ (2012)
Artist: Sentimen Beltza
Album: Zulo Beltz Eta Sakon Honetan
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Испания
01. Mendi Urdinak 12:06
02. Urrezko Aluak 07:57
03. El Tiempo Bajo Polvo 07:37
04. Opulence Sons (Empty World) 09:26
05. Neguko Goiz Bat 13:40
06. Sentimen Beltza (Bonus) 05:00
2 November 12, 07:35
Nocturnal+Amentia+ - Necromentia (2012)
Artist: Nocturnal Amentia
Album: Necromentia
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Украина
1. Nails For Your Hands 03:35
2. For The Pastor 03:14
3. His Majesty 05:01
4. Guardian Of The Temple Of Death 04:29
5. Leviathan: From The Balck Depths 04:48
6. Necromentia 05:26
7. Lash Of Hate 04:12
8. To The One Who’s Kneeling 05:27
31 October 12, 11:36
Nemesis+Occulta - Bleak (2012)
Artist: Nemesis Occulta
Album: Bleak
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Испания
1. Lifeless Creation 02:39
2. Emptiness 06:32
3. Moonlight Aura 09:27
4. Scars Of The Earth 14:33
29 October 12, 16:28
++Gy%C3%B6trelem+ - Dimenzi%C3%B3k+Pusztul%C3%A1sa (2012)
Artist: Gyötrelem
Album: Dimenziók Pusztulása
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Венгрия
01. Dimenziók Pusztulása 08:55
02. A Kapukat Feltárva 07:14
03. Gyűlölet 04:33
04. Halálba Tartok 07:58
05. Létem a Halál 07:12
06. Káosz 10:53
07. Az Univerzum Peremén 12:03
29 October 12, 12:55
Rulog - Whirlwind+Of+Karma+%5BRemastered%5D+ (2012)
Artist: Rulog
Album: Whirlwind Of Karma [Remastered]
Year: 2012
Style: Death Metal, Black Metal
Country: Россия
1. Into The Void 03:37
2. Intermediate State 04:40
3. Great Deception 04:31
4. Psychedelic Nonexistence 04:56
5. Eternity 05:26
6. Whirlwind Of Karma 05:01
7. From The Void 05:02
29 October 12, 10:55
Autumn%2C+Leaves%2C+Scars+ - Negative (2012)
Artist: Autumn, Leaves, Scars
Album: Negative
Year: 2012
Style: Depressive / Post-Black Metal / Shoegaze
Country: Румыния
01. Intro 01:05
02. Neglect 08:50
03. In Time 09:44
04. The Anatomy Of Melancholia 06:53
05. 6th Floor 08:45
06. Life, Love, Negativity 12:18
07. Draw Me A Ruin Pt. 1 01:52
08. Draw Me A Ruin Pt. 2 15:08
29 October 12, 07:11
Szron+ - Death+Camp+Earth (2012)
Artist: Szron
Album: Death Camp Earth
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Польша
1. Becoming a Shadow 10:02
2. The Birth of a God 11:36
3. Summoning the Storm of Nothingness 08:40
4. Death Camp Earth 08:28
27 October 12, 10:27
Cradle+Of+Filth++++ - The+Manticore+And+Other+Horrors+%5BLimited+Edition%5D (2012)
Artist: Cradle Of Filth
Album: The Manticore And Other Horrors [Limited Edition]
Year: 2012
Style: Symphonic Black Metal / Gothic Metal
Country: UK
01.The Unveiling Of O (02:07)
02. The Abhorrent (05:53)
03. For Your Vulgar Delectation (04:46)
04. Illicitus (05:24)
05. Manticore (05:53)
06. Frost On Her Pillow (04:12)
07. Huge Onyx Wings Behind Despair (04:23)
08. Pallid Reflection (05:34)
09. Siding With The Titans (05:17)
10. Succumb To This (04:34)
11. Nightmares Of An Ether Drinker (04:32) (Bonus Track)
12. Death, The Great Adventure (06:18) (Bonus Track)
13. Sinfonia (03:24)

Cradle of Filth - английская группа, играющая в жанре симфо-блэк-метал. Основана Дэни Филсом в 1991 году. Группа выпускает концептуальные альбомы с текстами о вампирах, оккультизме, эротике.
Стилистику и самобытность группы определяет во многом вокал. Уникальный голос Дэни Филта является визитной карточкой группы. Это хриплый горловой фальцет, позволяющий Дэни исполнять трудные для обычных вокалистов партии, а на интермедиях брать экстремально высокие ноты.
26 October 12, 09:11
+++Spectral+Tombs - Carrion (2012)
Artist: Spectral Tombs
Album: Carrion
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: США
01. Withered And Frail 07:23
02. Noli Temire 11:15
03. Demise 14:07
04. To Burn Away This Plague 12:55
25 October 12, 11:01
++Eismond - Behind+The+Moon+We+Are+Looking+Into+The+Distance+ (2012)
Artist: Eismond
Album: Behind The Moon We Are Looking Into The Distance
Year: 2012
Style: Space/ Ambient/ Atmopsheric Black Metal
Country: Австрия
01. The Other Side Is Calling Me 11:45
02. Eismond 32:25
03. Trying Not To Breath 12:50
04. Space Death 10:24
24 October 12, 16:44
Decline+Of+The+I+ - Inhibition (2012)
Artist: Decline Of The I
Album: Inhibition
Year: 2012
Style: Post-Black Metal
Country: Франция
01. Où Se Trouve La Mort 2:57
02. The End Of A Sub-Elitist Addiction 10:46
03. Art Or Cancer 7:02
04. The Other Rat 7:32
05. Mother And Whore 7:57
06. Static Involution 7:55
07. L'indcision d'être 5:04
08. Keeping The Structure 9:02
22 October 12, 12:08
++Interpreter - Introspection (2012)
Artist: Interpreter
Album: Introspection
Year: 2012
Style: Sludge, Post-Metal, Black Metal
Country: Колумбия
01. Introspection 02:06
02. Consciousness Surrendered 12:10
03. Deception Of Perception 08:01
04. Perennial 04:37
05. Source Of Misery 09:37
06. Convergence 06:19
22 October 12, 07:29
++Frostlagte+M%C3%A5ne+ - S%C3%B8vn+Av+Ufruktbar+Skog (2012)
Artist: Frostlagte Måne
Album: Søvn Av Ufruktbar Skog
Year: 2012
Style: Atmospheric Black Metal
Country: Россия
1. Vivian 10:32
2. Alt Lys Er Svunnet Hen (Of Dimmu Borgir) 06:14
3. Ribbones Of Odium 06:47
4. Blind Watcher 09:27
5. Paths Of Mørk Skog 06:08
6. In Fæl Borg 13:25
7. Funeral (Huldrelokk) (Of Gorgoroth) 04:00
20 October 12, 11:05
++Iugulatus+ - +Satanic+Pride (2012)
Artist: Iugulatus
Album: Satanic Pride
Year: 2012
Style: Black Metal
Country: Польша
01. Satanic Pride 05:05
02. Chaos Invocation 04:43
03. Beware The Flame From Undun 10:57
04. Black Song Of Necromancy 06:34
05. Demons Lust 14:50
225 - 252 of 461
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